The Lackagh River

The Lackagh Fishery, Co Donegal

The Lackagh fishery is situated partially within Glenveagh National Park and is one of the few recognised multi-winter sea winter salmon fisheries in the north west. It has been developed over recent years, resulting in much improved access. Further development work is planned over the next few years with the main focus on habitat improvement and river enhancement.
The Lackagh Fishery comprises

  • The Lackagh River
  • Owencarrow River
  • Glen Lough and
  • Lough Beagh.


The Lackagh River

The Lackagh is a short river of only 3km which flows from Glen Lough to Sheephaven Bay. It is noted for its good runs of spring salmon, grilse and sea trout. The spring run starts in January and continues to March. Grilse start to run at the end of June and continue all though July whilst a small run of autumn salmon appears in September. Sea trout are at their best from July. Any spinning method works well. Fly fishers prefer a ½ inch Willie Gunn tube fly for the spring salmon and the Badger or a shrimp fly for the rest of the season. Sea trout fish best at night on a size 10-12 fly with the best patterns being Mallard and Claret, Donegal Blue, Connemara Black or a Peter Ross.
Day Permits: Available from Creeslough Post Office  Tel: (074) 9138001

Lakkagh Bridge

Bridge over the Lackagh River

Glen Lough

Glen Lough has been slow to recover from the outbreak of UDN and as such only a few spring salmon are now taken, usually in April/May. However Glen Lough is noted for sea trout, with an average weight of approximately 1½lbs. Dapping results in a slightly bigger fish with an average weight of around 2lb. The lough has a healthy population of brown trout that can weigh up to 3 to 4lb. . Recommended flies are the Peter Ross, Teal Blue and Silver, Wickham’s Fancy, Butcher and Connemara Black.
Bank fishing is not allowed on the lough shores.
Day Permits: Available from Creeslough Post Office, Tel: (074) 9138001.
Boat Hire: Mr Eddie Carr, Terlin, Creeslough. Tel: (074) 9138216.

Glen Lough, Glen Carrigart

Glen Lough

The Owencarrow River

The Owencarrow is a 7km stretch of river connecting Lough Beagh in Glenveagh National Park to Glen Lough. A large section of this river is deep and slow. These sections require a stiff breeze to fish well when a drawn fly can be effective.

Owencarrow River, Creeslough

Owencarrow River, Creeslough

Lough Beagh

Lough Beagh is located in the heart of the Glenveagh National Park. It is primarily a trout fishery but can produce the occasional salmon. Sea trout tend to run late with the best fishing from August onwards. The average weight for sea trout is 3 to 4lbs. Recommended flies are much the same as Glen Lough but the Fiery Brown and the Alexandra are also worth trying. The resident brown trout population tends to be fairly small, running from ½lb to 1lb, but 2lb and 3lb fish are regularly taken every season. The lough also has a resident population of Arctic Char but these are not fished for. Fishing only starts on Lough Beagh when its resident birds have finished breeding (usually around mid-July).
Bank fishing is not permitted and two boats are available on the lough.
Permits and Boat Hire:

Bernard Gallagher Glenveagh National Park, Churchill, Co. Donegal. Tel: (074) 9137090 / 9137262.

Lough Beagh

Lough Beagh, Glenveagh National Park


Salmon and Sea trout season is 1st January to 30th September.
(For Lough Beagh, contact Bernard Gallagher at number above).
Licences are available from:

  • Anglers Haven, Kilmacrennan, Co. Donegal. Tel: (074) 9139015.
  • Mr Danny Lafferty, Creeslough Post Office Tel: (074) 9138001.

The Northern Regional Fisheries Board now manage the left bank of the Lackagh, the western third of Glen Lough and the left bank of the Owencarrow river. Duchas control the fishing on Lough Beagh with the remainder of the fishery being in private hands, although the Letterkenny and District Anglers Association do have the fishing rights for the right banks of some of the Owencarrow.

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Holiday Cottages near the Lackagh Fishery


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