Resize Photos

To resize images (to less than 1mb) go to – upload a photo(s) and choose custom size 1000px wide (you can leave height blank). Just ignore Step 3 and Step 4. Click on I’m Done, Resize my Picture

Then: Save to Disk – Download your resized image to your computer. You are now ready to upload to Donegal Cottage Holidays via your admin area. Repeat these steps for each photo you wish to upload.

Before Uploading to Donegal Cottage Holidays Website

Image file names should not contain special characters. Most often, when taking an image off of a camera it will be named something like ‘DSCF0009.jpg’ – that’s fine. However, if your images are renamed something else on your computer – with spaces, apostrophe’s, percentage signs, etc. then they are not suitable for upload. In this case, image files should be renamed with just one string of text – e.g. frontbedroom.jpg or similar.

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