The Rosses Fishery Donegal

The Rosses Fishery Donegal

The Rosses Fishery Donegal – The Rosses Anglers Association has fishing on over 130 lakes in West Donegal. These lakes hold salmon, sea trout and brown trout and all of them are within a five mile radius of the town. Pemits to fish and boats can be arranged. A detailed angling map and guide is available.

t: +353 (0)74 9521163
t: +353 (0)74 9521227

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The Rosses Fishery which is controlled by the Rosses Anglers Association is set in arguably the most rugged and beautiful part of Ireland. The fishery is set in the North West of the county of Donegal and comprises over 120 lakes.



Dungloe (An Clochan Liath) is the capital of the Rosses area and forms the focal point from which the many local and visiting anglers set out for an enjoyable days fishing. The angler has not only a wide range of waters to fish but also a wide choice of trout and salmon fishing. For the traditional angler that enjoys nothing better than the hard fighting native brown trout and sea trout then you truly have come to a paradise on earth.

For the angler that is attracted to stocked trout fishing then the club has an excellent new Rainbow Fishery Lough Waskel. The lough is stocked with Triploid Rainbows with an average weight of 2.5 lbs and as large as 12lbs weight and these are undoubtedly the strongest pound for pound fish ever encountered. Last but not least the fishery contains some excellent rivers and lakes known for their large runs of Atlantic salmon. Apart from game fishing, deep sea angling or rock fishing is very popular and very plentiful.


Dungloe Lake

This is the first lake of 8 on the system and contains native brown trout and sea trout. The lake contains several small islands and on the main island there is a hut where one can shelter and have their refreshments. Lighting of fires on the islands or shore is strictly forbidden and we ask all to remove their litter when leaving.


Craghy (Tully) Lake

Craghy lies in a really picturesque setting and it is well worth walking the shore or taking a boat to take in the beauty of the area. The fish are native brown trout with again runs of sea trout which can be good in mid July but the largest run is September onwards.


Map of The Rosses Fishery and Dungloe

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Lough Meela

About 2 miles on the road from Dungloe to Burtonport on the left hand side you will find Lough Meela. The fish are native brown trout with again runs of sea trout which can be good in mid July but the largest run is September onwards.



A small lake approximately 3 miles on the left hand side on the road from Dungloe to Doochary. A river drains from the lake into the estuary at Traighenna Bay. A large population of small native brown trout inhabit the lake but there are runs of fresh salmon and a sea-trout but these anticipation of rising water levels is the best time to try for these.


Loughanure Lake

Five miles from Dungloe lies the lovely town of Loughanure and the lake. The lake is drained by the Crolly and Thor Rivers and there are large runs of salmon in the June\July timeframe. The lake also holds an abundance of small native brown trout ranging from 0.25lbs upwards with fish of 1lbs+ caught in the past.




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